Dicom to 3D Print

With our integration into Horos Mobile™, you can segment your DICOM files and export the resulting 3D models for 3D printing. We can print them for you or you can print them using our 3D Print Starter Kit.
iPhone mockup

3D Printed Equine Skull

This model was converted from DICOM data to a 3D model with Horos Mobile™, using the r3volutionD integration and 3D printed using our 3D print starter kit.

3D Printed Heart

This model was converted from DICOM data to a 3D model with Horos Mobile™, using the r3volutionD integration and 3D printed using our 3D print starter kit.
3D Print Starter Kit

Everything you need to 3D print your own models

Our 3D Print Starter Kit gives you the ability to print your own models at your lab or practice using an innovative Bio-UV-Resin made from plant based materials.
Dashboard mockup

Want to learn more about our innovative 3D-printed products?

Get in touch now!